Thursday 27 November 2008


Ok so I arrived Im Mexico City. Jesus Christ it is so fecking complicated just to get through customs and immigration! I should have learnt Spanish, I really really should have. Finally got through then had the most terrifying taxi ride ever, "Julio" was a maniac. Im not sure how many cars he dinked but it was a few. Got to Hostel which is great. Owner really friendly and very helpful, although he insists that I only speak to him in Spanish, which has been interesting. Ive said "Si" A LOT. Also for some reason I keep on just randomly dropping French words into my Spanish.
So first day I went to the huge big park a few miles from the hostel, went to the massive Zoo that was there and put photos on facebook. Then went to two museums, a modern art one which had some great stuff and some tosh, and the Anthropological one which was hee-owge. And amazing.
Second day I went to a load of museums today, including one bizarre medical one which was rank. Also saw the Angel of Indepedence and a massive fountain. Travel on the metro was great and so easy! Went to the Zocalo, the big square in the centre of the city and wandered round. Yes I wandered around! And I hate wandering! I like to walk with purpose!
One annoying thing, Im sitting in front of the Palace of fine arts and "Ricardo" comes over and introduces himself. Before I know what happened he is cleaning my shoes! I tried to say no but he had already started. Then he stopped as Police were nearby and he didnt have a permit. I had to walk with my trousers hiked up to my shins to a place where he could finish. People were laughing. Great fun. Then he tried to charge me loads so I pretended I was poor and he halved his price. Not great but at leat he didnt demand more money! Off to Patzcuaro tomorrow, think I have to get like 4 buses. Awesome!

Thursday 20 November 2008


I leave in 5 days. woh Almost Von-pooped my pants then.