Sunday 14 December 2008

Ok so been on the farm since the 28 th now so just over 2 weeks. Am really enjoying the work and am getting tanned being out in the fields. I have however been bitten by everything on the farm, including a particularly nasty spider bite on my back! Have to apply this stuff that hisses when you put it on. Fun times! It is quite weird being surrounded by so many animals, theres like 14 cats and dogs here, I always thought i was a cat person after being a paperboy and learning a mutual hatred of dogs, but the ones they have here are great! Theres one called Porque No (why not) who is half wolf half husky and when you walk into town with her by your side everyone kinda crosses the street, great stuff!
We get sundays off here so am in the local town of Patzcuarom just bought a jumper for like 3 quid, altho I did manage to get the first one I tried stuck over my head and had to struggle out of it revealing my less than toned torso to the Senorita and Senor running the store. Theres nothing like having a group of Mexicans pointing and laughing when all you can say is "haha lo siento, soy inglesse" (haha im sorry im english).
The kids here are really persistent for money and stuff which makes you feel kinda guilty, if you say no then they drop stuff in your bag/ pocket and demand money for it, also theres a lot of guys wondering round with huge bunches of knives, altho so far ive resisted buying one im very tempted to have one strapped to my leg when i walk trhrough the wildcat and wolf infested hills near the farm! Am off to a mexican rodeo tonight which should be god, went past before and they were setting up the bullring so shopuld be a good laugh! will write soon about what it was like.

1 comment:

Zena said...

Er, don't be getting any ideas. There won't be any dogs in the Harvey household!! Just an old tired cat called Magpie, and a cute little frisky kitten called Filbert.