Monday 19 January 2009

Ok so been awhile since last blog entry. But I am of course horrifcally lazy. Christmas at the farm was great, Lisa and Ian bought the workers a Mexican Monopoly set as a present and me anna and steve ended up playing it till about 3 in the morning on Christmas Eve to Christmas Day! Wild I know but it was great. Lisa cooked a big meal and we all stuffed our faces on turkey which was great, then we had a pinata and Steve swinging at it in a cocky manner then almost going arse over tit was probably the funniest thing ive ever seen. New Years was more of the same. a few beers and monopoly. Had a big roaring fire in the room and watched a few movies. Life on the farm was hard work after Anna and Amy left as it was just me and Steve and one of the pigs got ill. Had to get her into the jeep. I tell you trying to lift a 300 pound screaming pig who isnt hogtied into a car is not fun! Got bitten on the chest and she tried to get steve in the balls. yeesh. She turned out fine tho thanks to good vet. I left the farm last tuesday. Lisa and Ian were so helpful and gave me a lift to the further town so i could get the bus direct to Zihuatenejo which is where i am now.
Its a little fishing village with some great beaches, also its the place where Tim Robbins escapes to in Shawshank Redemption! Have been to the beach a lot and lazed around which is kinda what i wanted after the farm work. Went Snorkelling yesterday and saw loads of fish including Barracuda which are fast and scary. Later on me a French guy called Leo and a yank called Joe Swam out about a mile to a yacht. We were just using it as a marker but when we got there the guy let us on board! He was an Arrabic cook and he gave us some bottled water and let us laze on the deck for awhile. Then we said our thanks and dove off the boat and swam back. Went to a diff beach today and the waves were big. Was huge long beach about 10 kilometres and about three people on it. Had good time larking in the waves until one caught me and slammed me upside down into the sea bed bending me backwards in a U shape. After that id kinda had enough so retired nursing aching back to the beach cafe for coconuts. Great stuff. Back is sore but was kinda lucky i guess, will take Neurofen tomorrow! Am off to the hostel now, is really nice and have met loads of people. bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Having started to follow you missives around Christmas I was beginning to wonder if we would ever read more of the adventures of traveller J. Despondent I have even had to contemplate the concept of getting out of the armchair myself. But no, you have come through in the end reinstating my belief in the grace of vicarious travel. I now have stories of feverish pork snapping at the chest and gonads of loving rescuers. That combined with tales of surf trauma juxtaposed with lazy yachting, I should think I am now equipped to eat out on your stories for another few meals... wishing you well, happy wondering and a scar worthy of your animal kindness. TD