Wednesday 28 January 2009

Ok so left Morelia and got the bus to Zitacuaro as I was determined to get to the Butterfly Sanctuary nearby! When I got to Zita, there was a bus going to Angangueo which is closer to the Butterflies so I got on. Squidged into my seat with my big ol' bag on top of me wasnt fun to be honest! Got here and found a cheap hotel where the toilet doesnt work and there is no hot water of course but the room is clean and warm! Forgot how fecking cold it gets in the mountains! Was freezing this morning. Got the bus at 8.15 to the Butterfly Sanctuary, I thought it took ten mins but turned out to be an hours boneshaking ride uphill. I have never been in a bus thats bounces around so much! There was a huge drop on either side of the track, with what looked like a 12 year old driving. yeesh. Anywhop got dopped about a mile from the Sanctuary, I tell you I was glad to get off the bus! Then again walking uphill for a mile in blazing sun when youre god knows how many thousand feet up can be a bit tiring!
Got to the sanc and was assigned a guide called Octavio, the most Mexican looking man you have ever seen. It looked like he had just walked out of a Visit Mexico calender. He didnt speak English, which is far enough as I dont speak Spanish! He talked about the butterflies as we walked the 3000 feet up the mountain and I did my best to nod and smile at the right points, Im pretty sure I understood some of it. Mainly that Butterflies like Sun so today would be a good day. Turns out he was right as it was amazing, hundreds of thousands of Butterflies evrywhere. They cover the trees and all the bushes, and the path and they land all over you. Got a photo of one on my nose. They are just everywhere! What I really liked was that everytime Octavio found a dead one on the path he would gently pick it up and put it under the nearest bush. He cared so much for them and always looked so sad when he found a dead one, even though there were A LOT.
I left the Sanctuary having taken a load of photos and got the horrific bus back down the hill, I noticed the driver had a picture of Jesus with the words "My life is in your hands" below it. Not very reassuring! Anywho made it safe down the hill and am gonna catch a bus out of here this afternoon, theres not much to do in this town at all. A nice church and one cafe that makes crap Chicken dishes, ho hum. Gonna head to Zitacuaro then try to get a nightbus to Palenque or Merida. Both are long journeys so would rather do them at night I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wendy & Wu are more than a little bit envious. Remember Futuroscope many years ago? Heart stopping butterfly film on the screen and under our feet at the same time.We think a lot of it was filmed where you've just been!